Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Kid On The Blog

O.K. people.

Everyone always says I should be on TV or blog or something so here I go.
This blog is and will be about my daily life and all the crap that happens within it. ;)
I have great friends, a great husband and somehow still end up a confused mess.
I hope your entertained by all this. If not stop reading. It's that simple.
Life should be that simple.
I will look into that and let you all know the results of my fact finding mission.

You may know me or we may be acquaintances, but I'm sure you know that I am delightful.
Delightful meaning, sarcastic, bitchy and all around pleasant to be around...

OK stay tuned for more but right now I must attend to the Cricket Cult that is growing behind my mailbox.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and think this is to funny that your doing this. Hugs!
